Some of Willow's awards & newspaper/Mags
What a great year for Willow she got into the final of the Nylabone Make Us Smile 2011 competition and then went on to come runner-up. She also managed to get her photo and an article about her in 3 local newspapers for two weeks running. Shes still enjoying playing with her prizes!!!
What a great year for Willow she got into the final of the Nylabone Make Us Smile 2011 competition and then went on to come runner-up. She also managed to get her photo and an article about her in 3 local newspapers for two weeks running. Shes still enjoying playing with her prizes!!!
Willow Won the Special Bond Category in the Give your dog a bone Competition Run by Drontal .She Won a Glass Trophy with my name engraved on it and also managed to get her self in 4 newspapers one of which you can read on line just click the link
( Read willow article on mails site)
( Read willow article on mails site)
Has started of great for Willow got myself in our local paper again :-)
The Burton Mail did a lovely article about hermaking the final 10
in Mikki Pet’s top model 2013 competition
Read more:
July 2013-
We found out I had Won The
"Your Dog Magazines" Doggy hero of the month.
For how she looks after me Willow was featured in the magazine and Won some yummy treats
2013 Aug
Exciting news !!!! Willow have been voted the pet of all pets in the Pets will be pets Competition
2013 Oct
Willow found out she had been nominated for the Animal Hero Awards 2013
2014 Jan
A great start to 2014, The nice people at Canine World have chosen Willow as their first dog of the month for 2014. Shes also being put forward for dog of the year 2014
Feb 2014
Willow came second in the BUAV - The Campaign to End All Animal Experiments
OurBestFriends competition.
March 2014
We got the best news ever Willow was awarded the
* PDSA Commendation for Animal Bravery or Devotion!
The bottom her says "being a constant and loyal companion to her owner".
June 2014
Willow won the Dogs Todays Magazine
"Good Dog Award"
she won a doggy hamper and was featured in the magazine
June 2014
A letter from Buckingham palace
HRH Willow lolol
June 2014
Willow was featured in Chat Magazine
Willow was featured in May's issue of Dogs Monthly
Willow is the 3rd entry for the Dogs Monthly HiLife Best Friends Trophy 2015.
Don't forget to vote for her early next year.
(I will remind you, of course).
More Magazines
April 2015
I was featured in May's issue of Dogs Monthly
Im the 3rd entry for the Dogs Monthly HiLife Best Friends Trophy 2015.
Don't forget to vote for me early next year.
(I will remind you, of course).
Sept 2015
Nominated for the Animal Hero Awards 2015
January 2016
I found out i'd been nominated for Crufts friends for life and featured in a few local papers
January 2016
I was featured on Your Pet TV Blog
Click Link to read ...

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